Texas State University has recently completed building an Archives & Research Center which will serve as an offsite storage facility for collections. In preparation, units have been weeding the collection and identifying items to be moved offsite.
The old backup microfiche copy of the library online catalog is one such collection identified for weeding.
Back in the day, this microfiche provided an alternative access to the collection if the OPAC was down or the building lost power after the card catalog was retired. Although it was not up to date, it still proved useful to me on several occasions as a Reference Librarian when I worked the public services desk.
Seeing the microfiche reminded me that I had been present when the original card catalog was retired in 1999.
I saved a few cards as souvenirs.
There still are other remnants of older library technology which can be found in the building. You can still find punch cards from the first computerized circulation system in the backs of some books.