Buck Winn (2 of 2): Isolate Part of an Image in Photoshop

The other image request for the University Archives Buck Winn Exhibition was forĀ an isolated version of Anna Hyatt Huntington’s statue of Fighting Stallions, so that viewers of the exhibition could download the image and recreate the base on which the statue stands. Originally, Buck Winn designed an elaborate natural landscape to hold the statue (see Winn’s design here). Over the years, his design was removed and a simple concrete structure now exists. Visit the Online Exhibition Here for more information!

Image of Fighting Stallions (Original)

I began by making an image of the stallions with a digital camera. After deciding on the best view of the stallions from the digital image captures, I opened it through Adobe’s Camera Raw Editor and adjusted some of the values of the image. I kept most of my attention on how the stallions looked, since that is what was going to be in the final image. I also increased the saturation of the image, particularly in the greens. Since the Stallions are gray and black, increasing saturation in the greens did not effect the Stallions. Making this adjustment will make it easier to select parts of the image i want to eliminate in Photoshop.

Once satisfied with my adjustments in Camera Raw I opened the Image in Photoshop. Here you can see the increased saturation.

Image of Fighting Stallions (Saturated)

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