Testing long exposures in different environments

We recently investigated how long exposures during digitization might be affected by different physical locations. We tested 4 locations and 2 shutter speeds to capture the blur induced by walking heavily around the copy stand during exposure.

The 4 areas tested were:

  1. Concrete Foundation at the ARC
  2. 7th floor of Alkek Library in the Corner of the Building
  3. 7th floor of Alkek Library in the Center of the Building
  4. 2nd floor of Alkek Library on a Raised Floor installed over carpet for data & power lines

We tested 2 shutter speeds that are representative of those we use to digitize film negatives using Artograph LightPad Pros:

  1. 1/10th of a second
  2. 1 second

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Library Exhibit

Digital & Web Services Exhibit

Digital & Web Services Exhibit

The Digital & Web Services Department has mounted a physical exhibit in the Alkek Library to showcase digitization at the Library. It is scheduled to be displayed from September through December 18, 2015. Located on the 1st floor of the Alkek Library and entitled From Paper to Pixels: Digitization at the Alkek Library, it uses samples from recent projects to provide a look at some of the equipment and procedures used for digitization.

Front page of the 1929 San Marcos Record


Included are over-sized prints including the Taffola Manuscript, the restored Sallie Beretta Painting and older issues of the school newspaper.




The exhibit also features a step by step photo breakdown of the dis-binding process used in preparation for scanning the Pedagogs, the student yearbook.

interferenceAlthough the title of the exhibit only mentions paper, it also features work on digitizing audio and video. Physical examples of open reel, cassette, Betacam and Hi-8 tapes are on display and screens-shots demonstrating the capture of audio are shown.

Selected photographs printed from the unlabeled negative project are also on display including a large print of Dana Jean Smith and Gloria Odoms, taken on the day Southwest Texas State College was officially integrated in February 1963.


New Projects and Formats

Aqua_C33974 2When A.B. Rogers purchased the land at the head of the San Marcos River in 1926, the area had long been a favorite scenic spot for recreation and picnics. Within two years, Rogers began constructing a hotel that overlooked Spring Lake.Aqua_11356 2
Twenty years later his son, Paul Rogers, created a new attraction for hotel guests and other visitors when he launched the first glass bottom boat in 1946; the crystal-clear water in Spring Lake allowed for stunning views of the underwater springs and wildlife.


Rogers then proceeded to build what became a wildly popular theme park known as Aquarena Springs. By the 1970s, as many as 350,000 people would visit annually to see the underwater mermaid show and star attraction, Ralph the swimming pig.

Aqua_C38216 A_2

Times changed, along with the public’s taste in entertainment, and the theme park eventually gave way to a heightened interest in endangered species, conservation, and education about the importance of our water resources. Texas State University acquired the 90-acre property in 1994; in 2002 the Aquarena hotel became the home of The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, a multidisciplinary center which focuses on water-related research and education.

The University Archives holds a number of materials related to the history of the Aquarena Springs. The Digital & Web Services Department began a new partnership with the Texas State University Public History Program and welcomed our first graduate student intern this semester, Jason Crouch. He is working closely with the University Archives and the Digital Media Specialist to begin processing and digitizing some of the Aquarena Springs material. An online exhibit is planned for the end of the Spring 2015 semester.

The Aquarena Springs collection contains a variety of audio/visual formats including material on VHS, Betacam, Hi8, miniDV, cassette, and open reel tape. A note of special thanks goes to staff at Texas Parks and Wildlife Television who, through a bit of good timing, helped us arrange the transfer of surplus analog video equipment from their television program to Texas State University. Included was a Sony BVW-70 Betacam SP recorder/player and Sony DSR-PD150 miniDV Digital Camcorder, both of which will be used to digitize items in the collection.

The following video is a sneak preview of what is in the collection. This is a 30 second television spot from 1994 advertising Aquarena Springs originally recorded on BetacamSP tape.




A New Beginning

dwsdiglabIn 2013 the Alkek Library created a new department to help increase digitization efforts at Texas State. The new department also brought together other library staff involved in managing digital information such as the manager of the Institutional Repository, the E-resources Librarian and the Library System Coordinator. New spaces were created specifically for digitization and a new position of Digital Media Specialist was created. After a lengthy search and review of a number of qualified candidates, Jeremy Moore was hired in April 2014.

Jeremy and the Digital & Web Services department head, Todd Peters, then began equipping the lab. The two largest repositories of material in need of digitization are the University Archives and the Wittliff Collections. These two collections differ greatly in their missions and the types of objects they house. After discussions with archivists from the University Archives and the Wittliff Collections about holdings and potential projects, it was decided that the most versatile setup would consist of a high resolution mediuIQ180m format digital camera and several desktop scanners.

At the end of July the library acquired a Phase One IQ180 digital back with 80 megapixel resolution, and a Phase One  645DF+ camera.


Layout 1



A Digital Transitions Rcam Reprographic Camera with 72mm SES lens.



and  a DT RG3040 Reprographic System

Layout 1









The lab is also equipped with an Epson 10000 XL and a Plustek Optibook A300 book-edge, and Nikon Coolscan 5000 ED Film scanners.

We have already started several projects and are excited to begin making the material available through the Digital Collections website.